W. M. Murray Lecture
William M. Murray Lecture was initiated in 1952 as the Society’s prestige lecture.
It is presented each year as a continuing honor to Dr. William MacGregor Murray, first president and long-time secretary-treasurer, for his many contributions to SEM.
2024 Recipient
Foundational contributions to experimental methods, the understanding of the behavior of ceramics, soft materials and tissues.
Ghatu Subhash
Professor Ghatu Subhash obtained his PhD from the University of California San Diego (1991) and conducted his post-doctoral research at California Institute of Technology (1992). He joined Michigan Technological University as an Assistant Professor in 1993 and moved to University of Florida (UF) in 2006. He is currently the Newton C Ebaugh Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) department. His research focuses on static and dynamic multiaxial behavior of advanced materials. His pioneering contributions in deciphering the complex deformation mechanisms in ceramics have been summarized in high impact journals such as Progress in Materials Science (68 -pages) and in a monograph Dynamic Response of Advanced ceramics (358 pages, Wiley, 2021)...
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2023 - Zdeněk Bažant | 2022 - Peter Ifju | 2021 - Nancy Sottos |
2020 - Janice M. Barton | 2019 - Kyung-Suk Kim | 2018 - Fu-pen Chiang |
2017 - Kenneth M. Liechti | 2016 - Horacio Espinosa | 2015 - K.T. Ramesh |
2014 - G. Ravichandran | 2013 - Michael A. Sutton | 2012 - Gary L. Cloud |
2011 - Arun Shukla | 2010 - Hillar Aben | 2009 - Sia Nemat-Nasser |
2008 - Ryszard J. Pryputniewicz | 2007 - David L. Brown | 2006 - Donald A. Shockey |
2005 - Ares J. Rosakis | 2004 - Krishnaswamy Ravi -Chandar | 2003 - Christian P. Burger |
2002 - William N. Sharpe, Jr. | 2001 - Cesar A. Sciammarella | 2000 - Gene E. Maddux |
1999 - Karl A. Stetson | 1998 - Isaac M. Daniel | 1997 - Rodney J. Clifton |
1996 - Jorg F. Kalthoff | 1995 - Wolfgang G. Knauss | 1994 - Kenneth G. McConnell |
1993 - C.W. Smith | 1992 - Hal F. Brinson | 1991 - H. Fessler |
1990 - Michael E. Fourney | 1989 - John F. Bell | 1988- M. Nisida |
1987 - Darrell R. Harting | 1986 - Egor P. Popov | 1985 - E. Somer |
1984 - C.C. Perry | 1983 - Albert S. Kobayashi | 1982 - R. Mark |
1981 - L.J. Broutman | 1980 - A. Bray | 1979 - James W. Dally |
1978 - R.K. Muller | 1977 - W.E. Cooper | 1976 - J.E. Starr |
1975 - N.M. Newmark | 1974 - C.E. Taylor | 1973 - G.R. Irwin |
1972 - Milton M. Leven | 1971 - Daniel Post | 1970 - B.F. Langer |
1969 - T.J. Dolan | 1968 - C. Lipson | 1967 - Daniel C. Drucker |
1966 - E. Wenk, Jr. | 1965 - August J. Durelli | 1964 - S.S. Manson |
1963 - H.L. Dryden | 1962 - R.D. Mindlin | 1961 - E. Orowan |
1960 - Rudolph E. Peterson | 1959 - Max M. Frocht | 1958 - N. J. Hoff |
1957 - C.E. Crede | 1956 - Benjamin J. Lazan | 1955 - A.C. Ruge |
1954 - Miklos Hetényi | 1953 - Steven Timoshenko | 1952 - William M. Murray |