W. M. Murray Lecture

William M. Murray Lecture was initiated in 1952 as the Society’s prestige lecture.

It is presented each year as a continuing honor to Dr. William MacGregor Murray, first president and long-time secretary-treasurer, for his many contributions to SEM.

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2024 Recipient

Picture of Ghatu Subhash

Foundational contributions to experimental methods, the understanding of the behavior of ceramics, soft materials and tissues.

Ghatu Subhash
Professor Ghatu Subhash obtained his PhD from the University of California San Diego (1991) and conducted his post-doctoral research at California Institute of Technology (1992). He joined Michigan Technological University as an Assistant Professor in 1993 and moved to University of Florida (UF) in 2006. He is currently the Newton C Ebaugh Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) department. His research focuses on static and dynamic multiaxial behavior of advanced materials. His pioneering contributions in deciphering the complex deformation mechanisms in ceramics have been summarized in high impact journals such as Progress in Materials Science (68 -pages) and in a monograph Dynamic Response of Advanced ceramics (358 pages, Wiley, 2021)...
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The Society acknowledges the following individuals who were given the W. M. Murray Lecture in the past.
2023 - Zdeněk Bažant 2022 - Peter Ifju 2021 - Nancy Sottos
2020 - Janice M. Barton 2019 - Kyung-Suk Kim 2018 - Fu-pen Chiang
2017 - Kenneth M. Liechti 2016 - Horacio Espinosa 2015 - K.T. Ramesh
2014 - G. Ravichandran 2013 - Michael A. Sutton 2012 - Gary L. Cloud
2011 - Arun Shukla 2010 - Hillar Aben 2009 - Sia Nemat-Nasser
2008 - Ryszard J. Pryputniewicz 2007 - David L. Brown 2006 - Donald A. Shockey
2005 - Ares J. Rosakis 2004 - Krishnaswamy Ravi -Chandar 2003 - Christian P. Burger
2002 - William N. Sharpe, Jr. 2001 - Cesar A. Sciammarella 2000 - Gene E. Maddux
1999 - Karl A. Stetson 1998 - Isaac M. Daniel 1997 - Rodney J. Clifton
1996 - Jorg F. Kalthoff 1995 - Wolfgang G. Knauss 1994 - Kenneth G. McConnell
1993 - C.W. Smith 1992 - Hal F. Brinson 1991 - H. Fessler
1990 - Michael E. Fourney 1989 - John F. Bell 1988- M. Nisida
1987 - Darrell R. Harting 1986 - Egor P. Popov 1985 - E. Somer
1984 - C.C. Perry 1983 - Albert S. Kobayashi 1982 - R. Mark
1981 - L.J. Broutman 1980 - A. Bray 1979 - James W. Dally
1978 - R.K. Muller 1977 - W.E. Cooper 1976 - J.E. Starr
1975 - N.M. Newmark 1974 - C.E. Taylor 1973 - G.R. Irwin
1972 - Milton M. Leven 1971 - Daniel Post 1970 - B.F. Langer
1969 - T.J. Dolan 1968 - C. Lipson 1967 - Daniel C. Drucker
1966 - E. Wenk, Jr. 1965 - August J. Durelli 1964 - S.S. Manson
1963 - H.L. Dryden 1962 - R.D. Mindlin 1961 - E. Orowan
1960 - Rudolph E. Peterson 1959 - Max M. Frocht 1958 - N. J. Hoff
1957 - C.E. Crede 1956 - Benjamin J. Lazan 1955 - A.C. Ruge
1954 - Miklos Hetényi 1953 - Steven Timoshenko 1952 - William M. Murray

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