Luke A. Summey
Nikon Instruments
SEM Awards: M. Hetényi
Luke Summey was a Research Engineer at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, where his research interests included the design and development of micro-mechanical devices to impact soft materials while being imaged with fluorescent light microscopy. He has since started a new role as a Microscopy Specialist for Nikon Instruments' sales team. He works with researchers in Chicago, Urbana-Champaign, and Milwaukee to customize high-end microscopy equipment to meet their experimental needs and serve as a de facto Biological Microscopy Consultant.
He spends most of his free time cooking for his wife and playing with his 4-year-old Labrador Retriever.
He spends most of his free time cooking for his wife and playing with his 4-year-old Labrador Retriever.
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Last Updated: 06/01/2023