Ghatu Subhash

University of Florida

SEM Awards: W. M. Murray Lecture

Professor Ghatu Subhash obtained his PhD from the University of California San Diego (1991) and conducted his post-doctoral research at California Institute of Technology (1992). He joined Michigan Technological University as an Assistant Professor in 1993 and moved to University of Florida (UF) in 2007. He is currently the Newton C Ebaugh Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department. His research focuses on static and dynamic multiaxial behavior of advanced materials. His pioneering contributions in deciphering the complex deformation mechanisms in ceramics have been summarized in high impact journals such as Progress in Materials Science and in a monograph Dynamic Response of Advanced ceramics. Thus far, his research has resulted in 220 peer-reviewed journal articles, 85 conference proceedings, 2-books, and 8 book chapters. These publications have garnered more than 10,800 citations (in Google Scholar) and an h-index of 58.

Thus far, Prof. Subhash’s innovative research has resulted in 7 patents on novel experimental techniques and processing methods. He has pioneered the concept of dynamic indentation hardness (2 patents) for rapid assessment of rate sensitivity of materials. His recent innovation on ‘Millipede Stress Waveguide’ has applications in design of machine tools, compact testing equipment, and efficient jack hammers (patented and licensed). For contributing to the fundamental understanding of the behavior of ceramics, he was recognized by the 2024 James I. Mueller Memorial Award and conference plenary lecture at the ICACC (Jan 2024) of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS). For his outstanding contributions to Experimental Mechanics, he received the 2021 Lazan Award from the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM). In addition, he also received the UF Technology Innovator Award (twice) and UF Research Foundation Professorship (twice). For development of rapid processing method for fabrication of net shaped UO2 ceramic fuel pellets he received ‘Significant Contribution Award’ from the American Nuclear Society.

Prof. Subhash has mentored 8 postdoctoral fellows and advised 41 PhD and 16 MS students. For his outstanding scholarship and mentorship of graduate and undergraduate students, he was awarded the University of Florida Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award (2021). He has served on the National Research Council’s National Academies of Engineering, Science and Medicine Panel, as the Chair of the SEM 75th Anniversary Program, Chair of the SEM ‘Committee of Fellows’, member of the ‘ASME Spirit of St. Louis Award’ committee, the ‘ACerS Sosman Award’ committee, and the SEM Executive committee. His commitment to education was recognized by the SEM ‘Frocht Award’ for outstanding achievements as an educator, UF College of Engineering ‘Teacher/Scholar of the Year’, ASME Student Section Advisor Award, ‘SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award’, ‘ASEE Outstanding New Mechanics Educator’ award, and ‘Commendation Letters’ from the Michigan Legislature and the Governor. He has delivered 2-day specialized technical courses for practicing engineers/scientists on ‘Dynamic Response of Materials’ at General Motors, Johns Hopkins University, and ACerS. His research was showcased in a PBS documentary “Secrets of Spanish Florida” in the Series “Secrets of the Dead” (aired nationwide in Dec 2017) where he unraveled the mystery behind the impact-resistance of Coquina (the material with which the oldest fort in the USA – the Castillo de San Marcos, St. Augustine, FL, was built) against cannon ball impacts during the seize by the British army in the 1702.

Prof. Subhash is a Fellow of ASME, SEM, and ACerS, and serves as the Editor-in-Chief of ‘Mechanics of Materials’.


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Last Updated: 02/22/2024

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