Hubert W. Schreier
Correlated Solutions, Inc.
SEM Awards: G.A. Brewer
Dr. Hubert W. Schreier received his Diplom der Vefahrenstechnik from the Universität Karlsruhe (Germany) in 1997. He then joined Prof. Michael A. Sutton's research group and received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 2003 from the University of South Carolina where his research was focused on the quantification and reduction of bias in the digital image correlation method. He has published journal articles on a wide variety of topics covering the theory and application of the digital image correlation method and has recently co-authored a book on digital image correlation. Dr. Schreier is one of the co-founders and president of Correlated Solutions, Inc., a company that specializes in image correlation based measurement solutions.
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Last Updated: 11/30/2020