IMAC-XXXVIII - Program/Courses


It's Not Just Modal Anymore

February 10–13, 2020 in Houston, Texas


Final Program

Download the Final Program by clicking the button below. 

Final Program


Pre-Conference Courses

Saturday–Sunday, February 8-9, 2020
Operational Modal Analysis: Background, Theory & Practice
Carlos Ventura, Palle Andersen
$800  regular attendees  |  $400 student attendees
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Short course on Experimental Dynamic Substructuring
Randy Mayes, Matt Allen, Paolo Tiso
$500 regular attendees  |  $250 for student attendees
Sunday February 9, 2020
Bayesian Filtering: Online Identification beyond LTI Systems
Eleni Chatzi, Saeed Azam, Vasilis Dertimanis
$500 regular attendees  |  $250 student attendees