Event Calendar

Thursday, February 13, 2025


Start Date: 2/10/2025 8:00 AM EST
End Date: 2/13/2025 5:00 PM EST

Venue Name: Rosen Plaza Hotel

9700 International Drive
Orlando, FL  United States  32819

Event Website: https://sem.org/imac

Organization Name: Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.

Shari Matthjews
Email: registration@sem.org
Phone: (203) 790-6373

IMAC is a conference and exposition focusing on structural dynamics and has evolved to encompass the latest technologies supporting structural dynamics. This broad focus on structural dynamics includes topics in simulation and modeling, nonlinear dynamics, sensors, signal processing and control spanning the full range of engineering disciplines.

IMAC remains a friendly conference where exhibitors, presenters and attendees spend several days exchanging the ideas that fuel the coming year.

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