Dario Di Maio

University of Twente

I have graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University Politecnica delle Marche (IT). I obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College London. After that, I worked as Post-Doc in the Rolls-Royce Composites technology centre in the Aerospace department of the University of Bristol. After that, I was appointed Assistant Professor of Dynamics in the Mechanical Engineering department of the University of Bristol. I currently work as an Assistant Professor of Structural Dynamics at the University of Twente.

I am an experimental dynamicist who is an expert in modal testing, laser vibrometry, composite vibration fatigue, nonlinear modal testing and vibration testing. I also used my skills to transfer technology from academia to industry up to a technology readiness level 6 by developing measurement methods, control panels for vibration measurements and testing methods. I was awarded a patent for discovering a damage initiation criterion in composites vibration fatigue.

I taught Nonlinear Structural Dynamics at the University of Bristol. I currently teach Mechanical Vibrations, Structural Dynamics and Advanced Dynamics at the University of Twente.


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Last Updated: 08/01/2022

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