Call for Papers: J. F. Lally Sensors and Instrumentation

Lights, Camera, IMAC!
Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, FL  |  February 10-13, 2025

June 19

The J. F. Lally Sensors and Instrumentation (S&I) Technical Division of IMAC Invites you to join us on February 10-13, 2025 by participating and sharing in your expertise, experience, and tinkering in the field of test and measurement of structural dynamics. We welcome any and all who have a novel utilization of existing sensing techniques, a new concept for data acquisition or harvesting, or knowledge of existing methods of measurement and instrumentation that may be useful to others to submit an abstract to share their wisdom with the many folks from around the world who will be attending.

The S&I Technical Division of IMAC is a group of researchers, engineers, and practitioners in the art of Noise, Vibration, and Harshness who share their knowledge and experiences with the various tangible tools currently in use, as well as new technologies and ideas with respect to the practical experimentation being carried out. S&I shares tutorials, demonstrations, and discussions on the data acquisition systems, sensors, and other hardware needed to gather and process the data needed in Modal Analysis and many other types of testing of dynamic systems.

Within the Sensors and Instrumentation Technical Division we have several sessions that you may be interested in presenting in or attending:

  • Sensor Tutorials: Includes the selection, mounting, and calibration of various sensors used in dynamics testing. These include Accelerometers, Microphones, Force Transducers, Strain Gages, Laser Vibrometers, and many others.
  • Data Acquisition Tutorials: Includes basic to novel utilization of various data acquisition systems, including combined systems, signal processing, and data harvesting
  • Technical Applications: Includes discussions by various vendors about their current and new offerings.

NVH DigiCon Programming Contest: (Sponsored by The Modal Shop)
Have an application ideal for a simple 2 channel Data Acquisition System? Need a programming challenge in NVH, Modal, or some other branch of Dynamic Systems, or just want to test your mettle in a different sort of competition? We welcome any and all full-time undergraduate or graduate students to submit an abstract with an application to be programmed (i.e. in Python or Matlab) for the Digital ICP USB Signal Conditioner Model 485B39 (2 Channel DigiCon).

Only Full Time Graduate or Undergraduate students are eligible to submit. Once the abstracts have been accepted, the best 5-10 applications will be selected, and the students will be sent a Digiducer to test their software. Students will be required to write a short outline of their final application and show the results from their application in use as part of their presentation at IMAC 2024. Students MAY start their code utilizing a large language model, however to make the code functional, additional work will be needed.

These applications, the resulting code, and the application procedure must be submitted as part of their presentation packet due when the rest of the IMAC XLIII materials are to be submitted. The code written for this competition will become a part of an open source library to be shared for use with the DigiCon.

Example Applications:

  • Reference Accelerometer with Roving Hammer to perform FRF measurements
  • Sound Intensity with a pair of Microphones
  • Sensor Comparison Calibration
  • Filter Characteristics
  • Sound Power

If you have questions or interest in learning more or presenting in the Sensors and Instrumentation Technical Division, please feel free to email Dr. Chad Walber