Wendy Crone
Wisconsin Institute for Discovery at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
SEM Awards: F. G. Tatnall, SEM Fellow, M. M. Frocht, SEM President 2018-19
Wendy C. Crone is the Karen Thompson Medhi Professor in the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She also holds the title of Discovery Fellow with the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery. Her research is in experimental solid mechanics, and many of the topics she has investigated are connected with nanotechnology and biotechnology. She has applied her technical expertise to improving fundamental understanding of mechanical response of materials, enhancing material behavior through surface modification and nanostructuring, exploring the interplay between cells and the mechanics of their surroundings, and developing new material applications and medical devices. Dr. Crone has published 80 journal publications, dozens of explanatory education products, four patents, and two books: Introduction to Engineering Research and Survive and Thrive: A Guide for Untenured Faculty. Prof. Crone has garnered numerous awards for research, teaching and mentoring, including the Award for Mentoring Undergraduates in Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities from UW–Madison and the M.M. Frocht Award from SEM. She has been a member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics since 1988, Fellow since 2015, and has served in several roles including President. She has also served in numerous leadership roles including Interim Dean and Associate Dean of the Graduate School at UW-Madison and Program Director at the National Science Foundation.
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Last Updated: 02/12/2024