Jason Blough
Michigan Technological University
SEM Awards: D.J. DeMichele
Dr. Blough received his BSME and MSME from Michigan Technological University. Dr. Blough attended the University of Cincinnati to obtain his Ph.D. in structural dynamics. Dr. Blough’s Ph.D. was on rotating machinery signal processing methods. Dr. Blough is currently a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics Department at Michigan Technological University. Dr. Blough has been active in SEM and IMAC for over 20 years publishing papers, serving on the SEM Executive Board, and continues to be an instructor in the “Young Engineers” program at IMAC. Dr. Blough’s research is industry funded, with support from the auto and powersports industries, and defense. Dr. Blough has graduated over 40 graduate students and published over 135 papers. Dr. Blough has taught over 40 short courses to industry on various NVH topics.
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Last Updated: 11/23/2020